Just found this post back on Oct 22, 2006. What a lesson! I am always like that stocking a lot of materials or signing up a lot of hobby classes but never finish them at the end. I should keep this reminding myself!
本來哩個星期想去手工銀黏土老師度上埋最後一堂銀黏土課,點知老師話我地太耐冇上去就冇得上喇,連存係佢度d銀黏土都話唔用得喎--ok喇,鬼叫自己漏氣咩....立即比打學員2士把拿。士把拿就清醒好多:唓~佢唔早d講,乜佢唔係話不時會幫d學生係存係佢度d銀黏土度加d水搓下,等d學生幾時上堂都得咁話咩?!係喎係喎~雖然話我地工忙耐冇上堂有責任,但有時make到時間打比佢又話full booking啫...唉~不過而家講乜都冇用lu,佢d answer好似唔預我地會繼續學咁...well,我都係有興趣學下啫,冇話計住計住o既,不過如果而家咁o既樣,買咗o既材料都由佢囉...橫豎我大把無聊玩意..(<有d亞Q噃!=.=!!)
material: Tourmaline and 925 sterling silver.
This was a replication work for my dear mom on Jun 11, 2006. I handmade one for her one year before 2006, but she dropped it on the first day she worn... This bracelet used a lot of gems stones and fresh water pearls.
Material: Rutilated Quartz 金髮晶,Agate 瑪瑙,Garnet Red 紅榴石,Quartz Crystal 白水晶,Topaz 黃玉,Freshwater Pearls淡水珍珠,925 Sterling Silverwire 純銀線。
去年舊作 --
This was specially made my friend's daugther in Hawaii on Jun 10, 2006. I think she is now a junior high school girl?. Oh time really flies!
This is specially made for Leilani - the daugther of Doris and Lincoln.
Material: Arty glass beads, crystals, wire, metal parts and love.
These were modified work on Apr 9, 2006. hahaha
是日巨制 -- material : 石榴紅 Garnet,925 silverwire and chain。
石榴石同銀鍊都係去年買的,原本想整條頸鍊,但上咗銀線後一直想不到點做。今天本想做對pink color耳環比朋友,最後冇喇喇走去整呢條手鍊。最花時間係中間部份,而且條鍊比較重要用粗銀線做,好晒手力...不過總算complete咗佢囉。
Again, moving from my yahoo blog, this is another silverwire ring back from Mar 26, 2006. It was hand made of all natural gems and of course 925 silver-wire. I remember it was adapted by very elegant lady at the end.
material : Opal 蛋白石,Rose Quartz 粉晶,Quartz Crystal 白水晶,Fresh Water Pearl 淡水珍珠,925 silver beads 小銀珠,925 Silver wire。
好想做隻藍色o既介指,但冇材料兼唔記得買銀介指拓,唯有將就下,用手頭有的同新買的crossover隻玩下過下手上癮先。但點都要係925同天然石架喇。(真腌尖!) 因為我淨係鍾意用哩D囉。嘻嘻~
Yahoo blog is closing soon, and I have to review my old postings years ago and relocate these posting. I found there are so many silly writings and my handcraft diaries. I decided to delete all my personal writings (i.e. I found I was so young, stupid and naive in the past although sometimes might be quite romantic, hahah) and only move my handcraft and dining diaries to this blog. After all, I would only like to share and record my happiness memories from now on...
This is my first writing to show my DIY dated on Mar 19, 2006. At that time, I was so fond of silverwire beading with natural gems stones and fresh water pearls. I still remember i was amazed by a handcraft store in Vancouver, and looking for the silverwire material few years ago, until I could find some in HK around 2006... wow time really flies!
Here is the post at yahoo on Mar 19, 2006:
material:Tourmaline 碧璽,925 silverwire 銀線。
material:Garnet 石榴紅,925 silverwire 銀線。
去年 before new year eve 做的 pendant:用好似厚薯片o既黃玉,白晶,粉晶,茶晶,石榴紅,橄欖石,淡水珍珠同925 銀線; silver chain。 (used Milky Topaz, Quartz Crystal, Rose Quartz, Citrine, Garnet, Peridot, Fresh Water Pearl and 925 silver wire and parts)