Handmade on Sep 15 2008. DIY some more fabric covered hair accessories for friends' daughters. 追月日一路睇『家好月圓』一路整,整得好慢好慢呵。諗住係整比3至12歲o既女孩子o既,仲買咗啪啪夾,但仲未知點整粒鈕上去啪啪夾度.... 唔知小朋友收到鍾唔鍾意呢,希望佢地收到會開心啦。
This is my first hand-sewn tote DIY and posted on Sep 14 2008. It is for carrying just wallet, keys and napkins for lunch outside. But I found I lost it recently after my office relocation. =( 昨日到SSP逛,胡亂的買了布料。今日做了平生第一個包包 -- 因為沒有做過,又從來未學過,一點概念都冇,所以做個小的。連衣車都懶得去翻出來用,只有手縫。針步很疏很零亂,還有一邊的拼布是一高一低對不上的 (=.=!!!),又沒有落"樸"(忘記買同買咗都唔識點用),軟"賴賴"的,好醜怪。 不過這卻是每個OL出街lunch必備的恩物,我很滿意囉。(嘔!) Here is the pattern: http://www.apalog.com/studio-clip_craft/monthly/200804/ scroll down to 2008年04月 (2) 第27回春の行楽, there is "作り方". I shrinked the size for mine.