My friend helped to return my happy elephant yesterday, and Felissimo offered an extra material for $20 as a compliment. Here is the extra material....
When my friend returned the material to me, I found I have the same piece of cloth at home. (why i need to spend $ on same cloth?!) What's more, the pack didnt come with a long needle (which was what i really looked for!) Though I used to have a long needle from class, it was grabbed by my colleague (and I suppose she will not return to me la)... I feel a bit disppointed! -_-
But then I found a nice leopard print cloth while we were shopping. The cloth is a bit thick (could be better to do 口金). But I think it is good to make bear coz I can imagine leopard bear should look funny~~
My 8th handsewn bear born on Dec 5th 2009
I started the 8th bear months ago for just to stock up some bears for whatever purpose. It was nearly finished quite a while but pending to just the final step by sewing up all arms and legs to it's body. Until one day I know I need something to a birthday girl next day, I completed it in rush in the night just right before the gathering. I even forget to take a picture, so I could only take this in office next day.
So, its a SHE with no name.
Born on the night of November 12th 2009.
Experiment on cupcake decoration..... so ugly!
Wow, new hobby on sewing back into July 1 2009. hahaha
This is my first felissimo happy toy project, isn't it cute
其實好多野做 (指工作同功課), 但最近中了bear毒,一連啤咗兩件bear,仲係心思思仲想啤...
Born on Jun 27 2009
Born on Jun 28 2009
但一啤二啤並不完整:剛才發現我原來倒轉了手臂跟手掌;又不知如何收頭部的開口和身體的開口;同如何縫合兩部份才正確 ? 總之我胡亂的縫合,bear bear滿有缺陷的,真希望得路過高人指點一下...就好了。
More self practice on Mar 8 2009....
自從接觸印印之後便一見鍾情了,幾乎每週都弄一兩個。可惜仲未買到刻章用的橡皮擦,加上無咩圖案特別喜歡 (應該係好少圖案可以fit到宜家用緊果d小擦膠),總覺得練習不夠,無咩進步過囉
More self practice on Feb 15, 2009. I still remember this date, sigh, not bec of these stamps...
由十二月尾開始一直很忙,十二月是為了忙功課,2009伊始便忙工作,有好幾個晚上工作至凌晨3、4點,前天更工作至第二日早上8點幾,我的counter partner還要我繼續rec數呢?!可知我這週每天平均只睡了三、四粒鐘,所以一早已支撐不了,若非責任關係很早已睡了,最後只能勉強對了一些大數便上床去也。注定我的情人節是與周公子共渡了。不過這也不賴,因為這些大時大節老媽一定煩死人!見我勁唔夠精神就收口 !(只一天而已,唉~)
我呢個港女最期待的週末沒有了,真不甘心。平衡心理,這天睡夠做了兩個 :
票邊不圓崩崩的.....開始想買雕刻刀 -- 我估計圓頭的雕刻刀可以做到郵票邊,不過唔知啱呢?
Self practice after class (Feb 8 2009)
So ugly, hahaha
啱啱用d粗野A貨橡皮擦膠刻印章,又實又碎唔咪咁好刻...同埋我d技術唔夠 (睇下個 TM係刻唔到)。下次都係用d正貨先得。
Another new DIY skill introduced by a blogger back into Feb 8, 2009. This really inspired my interest into stamp carving art in future!
一直都好想學玩印章,之前古國的手刻印章班都因為有事不能參加。昨日終於有幸上了古國的手刻印章班,原來真係好好玩o架 ! 材料工具已經預備好晒,講解又清楚,我只須自己輕輕鬆鬆上堂去~
第一章是綠色的donut ! 唔圓o架,哈哈哈~之後做了花生同冬菇,分別學習不同的技巧。跟別的手工班不一樣,堂上不消多久已經完成三個指定習作(通常我都係太慢的),今次我仲咪咪麼麼多刻一個玩下(其他人仲刻咗兩個添呀!)。幾有成功感同滿足感呀!毫無疑問我已經上癮了!因為真係好好玩 !
來個大合照先~donut, peanut, mushroom是課題,lady bug是自作業(斷腳的 ! 哈哈哈 !)